CHC YOUTH Ministry
Come hang out with us; we would love to meet you! We believe that God wants his best for your life and has great things planned for you.
Youth Group : ALL 6th-12th graders are invited!! We meet the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 6-8 pm at CHC (2301 W. Millbrook Rd)
During youth group we have dinner, fun (all kinds of games), we pray, open His Word, and learn how we can serve God, our church and our community. CHC wants to help students find their God-given gifts and then to use these gifts to further God’s Kingdom here on earth. As we grow together as a group, our goal will be to reach other students in our community, connect them to Jesus, and help them grow in their relationship with the Lord.
How We Serve In The Church:
Serve in Kids’ Church
Serve in the Nursery
Serve during Sunday worship services as acolytes, readers, greeters, ushers, and coffee hour helpers
Serve by going on our annual Mission Trip
Serve by helping with fundraisers to raise money for our Mission Trip
If you have any questions regarding youth group for grades 6-12, please feel free to email Jon Minns at